Dimmature Series


Dimmature Series


4 weeks helping students embrace their spiritual giftings from a place of maturity.

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4 weeks helping students embrace their spiritual giftings from a place of maturity. When your students see their gifts and talents through the lens of the gospel, their gifts will add unity to their community, they’ll change their definition of success, and they’ll make more mature decisions.

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Week 1

Intro: We like children’s movies because, in them, the characters discover their purpose.

Truth: The very gifts God gave to the Pharisees to honor Him are the very gifts they used to dishonor Him. But in Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus turned up the brightness on what matters most.

Descent: When you see clearly, you’ll recognize that you can’t elevate your purpose over people.

The Point: Your greatest gift is your least unique.


Week 2

Intro: Share a story from a time in your adolescence where you were part of a group that was disunified.

Truth: Paul shares in 1 Corinthians 12:18-26 that everyone’s gifts are equal whether they’re easily visible or not.

Descent: When we recognize that, we’ll stop creating competition and start caring for one another.

The Point: When you see that your greatest gift is your least unique, your gifts will add unity to your community.


Week 3

Intro: Share a story about the first time you won something that mattered to you. We all like to imagine ourselves succeeding in life.

Truth: None of the amazing gifts in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 equals success without love, so Paul gives us our new definition of success in verses   4-7.

Descent: Ultimately, your success is not determined by how well you use your MOST unique gift but by how well you use your LEAST unique gift.

The Point: When you see that your greatest gift is your least unique, you’ll change your definition of success.


Week 4

Intro: People who consistently value purpose over people make immature decisions.

Truth: In 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 we discover that faith, hope, and love are the only gifts that benefit you for eternity. The greatest of these is love.

Descent: Children value what’s shiny over what benefits them long term. Growing in maturity means valuing the gift that benefits you long term.

The Point: When you see that your greatest gift is your least unique, you’ll make more mature decisions.