Word Series

6 weeks through John giving students a foundation of God’s character.


6 weeks through John giving students a foundation of God’s character. What you think of when you think of God is the most important thing about you. It’s the one answer that determines every other answer to every other question in your life. And since God is invisible and sometimes mysterious, “who is God?” sometimes feels like a pretty tough question to answer! Fortunately, Jesus, the Word, shows us the thoughts and intentions of God’s heart. And as we walk through some of the highlights of the book of John, your students will discover who God is, what He came to do, and what it means for them.

Video Messages Included


Week 1 (John 1:1-5 NIV)

Intro: Our words and actions reveal the truth about who we are on the inside. And since what you think about when you think about God is the most defining question out there, over the next six weeks we’ll be looking at the words and actions of God as told by John.

Truth: Jesus, the Word, was the earthly expression of the thoughts and intents of God’s heart. While God may sometimes feel far off, Jesus is not. If we want to know who God is and discover what the answer to that question means for each of us, we need look no further than the Word, Jesus.

The Point: The God of the Bible is knowable

Week 2 (John 3:16, 19-21 NIV)

Intro: There is something about light that makes bad things less likely to happen.

Truth: That’s probably why Jesus told Nicodemus and modeled to the world that the best way to live is out in the open with nothing to hide! If you have secrets, you’re probably walking in darkness. That’s not the kind of lifestyle God values and it’s not the kind of lifestyle God wants for you. We know that because of the words and actions of the Word, Jesus.

The Point: To live right is to live in the light

Week 3 (John 11:25-26, 33-35 NIV)

Intro: It can be pretty difficult for human beings to understand what life is like for each other. It only makes sense that it would be MUCH HARDER for the holy, perfect, eternal God of the universe to get what it’s like being human.

Truth: But that’s exactly why examining the life of Jesus is so important. When you look at moments like Jesus weeping over the death of His friend and the pain of His other friends, you realize that we have a God who gets it. He gets our pain. He gets our angst. He gets our loss. He gets it. And that makes an enormous difference in our ability to trust Him completely when He tells us how to live and who to be.

The Point: Our God empathizes with us

Week 4 (John 15:5 NIV)

Intro: We all know what it’s like to try doing something on our own that we have no business trying. Sometimes, it actually feels like that’s the kind of approach to life that God wants us to have.

Truth: But when Jesus spoke to His disciples, His message was very different. We are like vines and He is like a branch, and apart from Him we can do nothing. God isn’t sitting around impatiently waiting for you to figure life out. What Jesus shows us about God’s thoughts and intentions is that God wants to guide you every step of the way.

The Point: True life is based on the life of the Life Giver

Week 5 (John 19:36-37 NIV)

Intro: Most of us would like to believe we would do anything for the people we love, but most of us have limits.

Truth: God’s love has no limits—neither in capacity nor power. God called His shot hundreds of years before Jesus would die on the cross, and nothing could stop His greatest expression of love from coming to pass exactly as He called it. No person on earth could ever love you like this, and that reality has to change you.

The Point: God’s love is unstoppable

Week 6 (John 20:19-22, 30-31 NIV)

Intro: You’ve probably lived enough life to know that, most of the time, it just feels like something is missing. If you could just have that one thing, life would be perfect. But then it’s not.

Truth: But when Jesus spoke to His disciples, His message was very different. We are like vines and He is like a branch, and apart from Him we can do nothing. God isn’t sitting around impatiently waiting for you to figure life out. What Jesus shows us about God’s thoughts and intentions is that God wants to guide you every step of the way.

The Point: God has a purpose for you