Shaded Series

4 weeks introducing your students to the gospel lens faith paradigm.


4 weeks introducing your students to the gospel lens faith paradigm. In our brokenness, our perception is shaded by pain, influences, and sin. Over the course of this series, you’ll begin helping students discover a new way to see God, themselves, and the world around them. It’s the perfect introduction to G Shades!

Video Messages Included


Week 1 (Matthew 6:22-23 NLT)

Intro: We all carry darkness in our lives, and we don’t know what to do to fix it or change.

Truth: Jesus tells us that when our eyes are filled with light, our whole bodies will be filled with light. In other words, the root problem with what we do lies not in what we do but what we see. If you began to see God, yourself, and others through gospel shades, it might transform some of the darkness you’ve been carrying into light.

The Point: Your “do” is determined by the shade you see through.

Week 2 (Romans 5:7-11 NLT)

Intro: Having a relationship with God can be tough. It’s made even harder because presence of sin in our lives often causes us to run from God!

Truth: God sent Jesus to die for us before we ever became the type of person we would die for. And if you saw God through that lens, it would change your perception of Him in the midst of your imperfection.

The Point: When you see God through gospel shades, you’ll stop running from Him.


Week 3 (Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT)

Intro: When we fall short of the expectations placed on us, it can mess with our sense of self-worth and value. In fact, left unchecked, it can leave us feeling like we don’t matter.

Truth: But for those of us who are in Christ, God made us matter before we ever did anything that mattered. He made the decision to adopt us before the foundations of the world! So if the God if the universe says you matter, you matter.

The Point: When you see yourself through gospel shades, you’ll know your worth.

Week 4 (Matthew 9:9-13 NLT)

Intro: We can all think of someone who, if we were being honest, we see as a “scummy” person.

Truth: Jesus modeled what it looks like to see people through the lens of the gospel when He refers to “scummy” people as sick people. It would change everything for you if you recognized that the “scummy” people around you are just sick—and that they’re sick with the same sickness you’re sick with.

The Point: When you see others through gospel shades, you’ll treat “scummy” people like sick people.