Self Care Series

4 weeks helping students discover a healthy way to practice self care.


4 weeks helping students discover a healthy way to practice self care. The purpose of this series is to help your students see self-care through the lens of the gospel. The hope is that they will see that self-care is when your use of your physical body is guided by the gospel, means caring for other people, means pursuing what feels the best for the longest, and is finding your truth in The Truth.

Video Messages Included

Week 1 (Matthew 4:4 NIV)

Intro: Despite the fact that most of us feel pretty familiar with caring for ourselves physically, we don’t always go about it in the healthiest ways.

Truth: Jesus made a point of demonstrating that truly caring for your physical needs means first and foremost truly caring for your spiritual needs. There’s nothing wrong with exercise, sleep, hobbies, or eating, but what our bodies need about all else is to be fed the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Point: Self-care is when your use of your body is guided by the gospel

Week 2 (Philippians 2:3 NIV)

Intro: When we experience friendships that feel draining, it can be difficult to figure out what self-care looks like.

Truth: Paul shares that a good test for whether we should ditch a friendship or stick it out and care for them is by taking a closer look at our motivation. When we look out for the interests of others and fight against selfish ambition (as Jesus did for us), we’ll be able to see the difference between truly toxic friendships and just occasionally inconvenient ones more clearly.

The Point: Oftentimes self-care means caring for others

Week 3 (Hebrews 11:24-26 NIV)

Intro: “If it feels good, do it” seems like a really simple, straightforward mantra for self-care, but that is a dangerous way to live because your actions don’t just affect you. Pursuing pleasure might feel like self-care, but Scripture tells us otherwise.

Truth: Moses made it a point to emphasize the fact that sin is fleeting and Christ is forever. True self-care isn’t pursuing fleeting pleasures that leave you feeling low afterward and ultimately disappoint you. True self-care is pursuing that which fills you with joy for the longest amount of time. Those things come out of the overflow of a relationship with Jesus.

The Point: Self-care means pursuing what feels the best for the longest

Week 4 (Romans 7:18 ESV)

Intro: “Just believe in yourself” sounds like a great recipe for self-care, but the problem is that there’s no objective reason for you to have unwavering confidence in your own ability. In fact, there’s a lot of evidence to the contrary!

Truth: Paul shares how he recognized the evidence to the contrary in his own life and discovered that the path forward wasn’t living “his truth”, but in rest in The Truth of God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

The Point: Self-care is finding your truth in The Truth