Once Upon A Time Series

4 weeks helping students embrace God’s interpretation of their story.


4 weeks helping students embrace God’s interpretation of their story. When your students see their story through the lens of the gospel, they won’t believe the lies, they’ll pursue God the way He has pursued them, they’ll bring specific issues to God, and they’ll listen for God’s voice after loss.

Video Messages Included

Week 1 (Genesis 2:15-17; 3:4-7 ESV)

Intro: Story of a prince and a princess. Our interpretation of our story isn’t always as accurate as it seems. That can be problematic.

Truth: Adam and Eve believed a false interpretation of their story over God’s interpretation, and the consequences were disastrous.

The Point: When you see your story through the lens of the gospel, you won’t believe the lies

Week 2 (Genesis 3:8-10 ESV)

Intro: Story of Hansel and Gretel. As scary as it can be to be physically lost, it’s often even scarier when we’re lost emotionally or spiritually.

Truth: But just as He did with Adam and Eve, our Father pursues us no matter what. If you are God’s child, you are never truly lost—even when you don’t know where you are.

The Point: When you see your story through the lens of the gospel, you’ll pursue God the way He has pursued you

Week 3 (John 21:15-17 ESV)

Intro: Personal story or story or Lebron James’ 2018 Finals. Sometimes we need specific answers to our specific issues, and it doesn’t always feel like the general truths of Christianity provide those answers.

Truth: When Jesus redeems Peter, He does so specifically. He takes Peter’s specific problem and addresses it specifically. That’s how He handled redemption in that part of Peter’s story, and it’s how He wants to handle redemption in certain parts of your story.

The Point: When you see your story through the lens of the gospel, you’ll bring your specific issues to God

Week 4 (John 20:11-16 ESV)

Intro: Story of Carl from Pixar’s Up. Grief has the capacity to strip us of key pieces of our identity. Since grief is just an unfortunate reality of life on earth, it’d be wise of us to learn how the gospel helps us navigate grief in a healthier way.

Truth: When Mary was grieving the loss of her friend and Lord, her whole world was falling apart. She didn’t even recognize Him at first when she saw Him. But when Jesus called her name, He called out her true identity, and it restored something in her that grief had stolen.

The Point: When you see your story through the lens of the gospel, you’ll listen for God’s voice after loss