Slow Fade Series

3 weeks helping students navigate rejection.


3 weeks helping students navigate rejection. Rejection happens. Sometimes it’s a slow fade. Sometimes it’s a ghosting. Sometimes you just get told “no.” But regardless of how it happens, you know from personal experience that rejection hurts. Whether your instinctual response is anger or shame, rejection can lead to a slow fade in your spirit. Those moments of rejection can pile up one on top of the other until you feel like you’re nothing. Fortunately, the gospel helps us navigate being rejected and even rejecting others.

Video Messages Included

Week 1 (Matthew 11:2-5 NLT)

Intro: Rejection is painful, and it can lead us into a vicious cycle of hurt, anger, lashing out, and then more rejection. There has to be a better way, and a gospel lens can help us find it.

Truth: When John the Baptist experienced rejection from Jesus, Jesus’ response is shocking. John wanted Jesus to remember him in prison and rescue him, to do miracles in his direction since they had been through so much together. But Jesus made it clear that stepping into His mission and purpose meant stepping away from John.

The Point: Sometimes acceptance of purpose means rejection of people.

Week 2 (Ephesians 2:1-3, 10 NLT)

Intro: Rejection from those we like or look up to can easily lead us to shame. That’s because, far too often, the people we desire acceptance from become our god. And the way your god defines you defines you to you.

Truth: But when Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he was clear that we are all on the same level in God’s eyes. Before Jesus, we have all fallen short. And after Jesus, we are all His masterpieces—albeit in different ways. And when that gospel reality colors your view of yourself in the aftermath of rejection, you won’t wallow in shame.

The Point: The way your God defines you defines you to you.

Week 3 (John 3:36 NLT)

Intro: Getting rejected is no fun, but being the rejector is no picnic, either! Neither burying guilty feelings about rejecting somebody nor avoiding those feelings by saying “yes” all the time seems like the healthiest option.

Truth: The gospel shows us that while rejection is needed sometimes, there is a healthy path forward. When God rejected us because of our sin, He also extended the invitation to believe. That invitation coupled with rejection reaffirms our value and shows us His love. And while we won’t always be able to couple invitation with rejection, the Holy Spirit can speak to us in the moments where we can.

The Point: Invitation coupled with rejection is gospel reflection.