There For You Series

3 weeks helping students navigate friendships.


3 weeks helping students navigate friendships. When your students see friendship through the lens of the gospel, their friend groups will reflect the diversity of the Kingdom, their love for their friends will reflect God’s love for their friends, and they’ll listen, speak, and invite in the context of friend drama.

Video Messages Included

Week 1 (John 11:5 NIV)

The Lens: God’s Kingdom is one of diversity

Intro: It’s easy to get to a place where you’re surrounded by friends who share your interests and experiences. But there are spiritual implications to the makeup of our friend groups.

Truth: Between Matthew, Mary, and Martha, Jesus had a far more diverse circle of friends than most would in that society. Knowing that the Kingdom would be diverse in heaven led Jesus to value diversity on earth.

The Point: When you see friendship through the lens of the gospel, your friend groups will reflect the diversity of the Kingdom

Week 2 (John 11:32-35 NIV)

The Lens: Jesus reflected God’s love toward His friends

Intro: What’s hard about friendships is treating friends well. Sometimes we feel selfish, or angry, or annoyed, and that shows up in the way we treat our friends.

Truth: When Jesus was demonstrating friendship on earth, He was patient, compassionate, empathetic, and kind. In other words, He loved His friends the way God loved His friends.

The Point: When you see friendship through the lens of the gospel, your love for your friends will reflect God’s love for your friends

Week 3 (Luke 10:38-42 NIV)

The Lens: Jesus reflected God’s love toward His friends

Intro: All of us have or will experience some friend drama now and again. And since drama has the potential to strengthen or destroy friendships, the way we handle it matters.

Truth: When Jesus was caught between the argument of two of His friends, He demonstrated a really practical way to navigate that situation. He listened, shared His insight, and invited one of His friends to do things differently.

The Point: When you see friendship through the lens of the gospel, you’ll listen, speak, and invite