The gospel is central to our faith. Shouldn’t it be central to your youth ministry curriculum? Discover how G Shades simplifies gospel centered ministry for youth pastors.
Your students aren’t clear on how the many components of faith fit together. They need a lens to see through.
Teaching biblical principles without the gospel just leads to behavior modification for your students. They need a lens to see through.
It’s exhausting trying to keep up with every new tip, trick and tool for leading youth ministry. You need a lens to see through.
G Shades has flexible options tailored to your ministry’s needs. Shop individual sermon series below to get just the basics, or continue scrolling to explore our more comprehensive youth ministry curriculum subscription.
per month [billed annually]
per month [billed annually]
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We’re not the only gospel centered youth ministry curriculum. There are other youth ministry curriculums out there that offer video messages. We’re not the only youth ministry curriculum that offers flexible plans for churches of all sizes. But we are the only youth ministry curriculum with ALL of those components. Between that and the way our gospel lens faith paradigm makes living out the gospel more accessible to students, we think we’re building some of the best youth ministry curriculum out there.
Both! You’ve discovered this already, but the beauty of the gospel is that while it never changes, your capacity to experience the fullness of it grows deeper with age and experience. Not only that, but because our youth group curriculum is written by a mix of middle school pastors, high school pastors, and youth workers who lead a combined ministry, our team knows how to write for a broad audience. However, one of the best parts of using youth curriculum is that you get such a strong head start on sermon prep that there’s more time to make tweaks to perfectly fit your context.
We believe:
In a holy, triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) who created all things and holds all things together.
Mankind has been made in God’s image to reflect His nature and give Him glory.
Sin broke the relationship between God and man, and with it came death in numerous forms—including spiritual and physical.
Jesus, God’s Son, provided a way for mankind’s reconciliation back to God through repentance from sin and faith in His personhood and work on the cross, and it is all by God’s grace.
Genuine belief in this Good News, the gospel, is transformative both in terms of our positional status in the heavenly realm as well as our experiential reality on earth.
The Bible is the divinely inspired and perfectly authoritative Word of God written by humans to point us to God’s character and plan revealed throughout redemptive history.
Jesus will return someday to restore perfection to His creation and establish His Kingdom forever.
Yes! And here’s how G Shades is for you:
– The Small G Plan was created specifically with small churches in mind. We know big curriculum doesn’t work for everyone, so we’ve created a plan that fits your needs, your pace, and of course, your budget.
– All of our subscription plans include small church lesson guides, which seamlessly combine large group teaching and small group discussion questions into one lesson document.
– Our games and events are low cost. We know not everybody can afford to rent 20 bounce houses for their events, so we keep that in mind when we create our ministry resources.
– The reason we’ve included video messages in every tier of our curriculum is because we know that it’s the smaller churches with the smaller budgets who most need high quality, engaging, diverse communicators to take the load off of your youth leaders.
If you are a small church, we are for you!
You’ll have access to any curriculum you purchase for three years at minimum. We will always send you advance notice if, after a few years, the curriculum in your account needs to be taken down. You can always download your curriculum contents onto your computer, though. That way you can access them forever!
No problem! We know every ministry has a different rhythm, and some just need a series here or there. That’s why we’ve created several options:
1) Head over to the Shop, where you’ll find all of our youth ministry sermon series available for individual purchase.
2) Check out the Small G Plan, perfect for the unique pace of small churches.
3) Purchase Top G or Base G Monthly, and cancel whenever you need to!
We believe AI is a helpful tool, and a wholly insufficient replacement for the Holy Spirit. Like many organizations, AI offers support in some aspects of our operations, but we refuse to use Artificial Intelligence of any kind to write our messages. Even in the face of rapidly developing technology, some things should just remain a partnership directly between mankind and God’s Spirit. We believe sermon creation is one of those things.
There sure is! We would love to have you join our Facebook Group and become part of our growing community of youth pastors pursuing what it looks like to cultivate gospel centered youth ministries.